Roasted Roma Tomatoes

Capture the taste of summer and roast Romas for those long winter months when it’s so bleak outside you lose the memory of a hot sunny day!

Tip: you probably will wish you had made a double batch….if you do, go ahead and double everything. Roast in two separate pans on two separate racks in the oven and switch halfway through the roasting time to make sure the pan on the bottom doesn’t burn.

52 oz. / 1.47 kg Roma tomatoes, rinsed well, about 30 average sized

8 cloves garlic, cut in half

¼ cups + 2 Tbsp (90 mL) extra virgin olive oil or canola oil

¼ cup (60 mL) balsamic vinegar

¼ tsp (1 mL) table salt (optional)

Freshly cracked pepper if desired

  1. Make sure the rack is in the middle of the oven. Preheat to 350°F/175°C. Line a large rimmed baking sheet with wet parchment paper. Shake out excess water.
  2. Cut the tomatoes in half lengthwise. Lay in the pan cut side up.
  3.  Sprinkle with garlic (tip: if the cloves are small submerge them) if not just sprinkle on top.Drizzle with oil and vinegar. Sprinkle salt and pepper, if using.
  4. Pop into the oven and roast for 1 hours and 15-30 minutes depending on the size of the tomatoes. Check on them, if the garlic isn’t soft enough to puree then pop them back into the oven for 15 extra minutes.
  5. Remove from oven, let cool for 10 minutes. Tip: you can use these as is in a pasta dish OR get out your food processor with the knife attachment, then very carefully lift the sides of the parchment paper along the long edge and tip the roasted tomato love into the bowl of the food processor. Puree until desired chunkiness.
  6. Pour into a freezer bag and then carefully flatten out, removing the air as you go. Seal and freeze flatly in your freezer. (This method takes up less space, but you can freeze this in 4 cup/1 L containers as well.)

Makes 4 cups/1 L

One serving = ½ cup/125 mL

Professional Home Economist Tip:

Make a fabulous tomato sauce: heat pureed tomatoes, add homemade or store bought pesto, mix well, serve over  cooked pasta. Garnish with grated Asiago and a drizzle of cold pressed canola oil or extra virgin olive oil.


Catch me on my Facebook Live page @mairlyn.smith on Wednesday, September 2, 2020 at 8 pm EDT I’m making my recipe.


14 thoughts on “Roasted Roma Tomatoes”

  1. I have done this for the past few years, but I peel the skin off before placing in the Ziploc bags. I also use to make the best tomato soup during the winter months mmmm. 🍝🍲

  2. I made these today with roma tomatoes bought for $2.99 a basket (I think there were more than 30 in the basket). These are like candy when they come out of the oven. I frozen half the batch and tumbled the rest into a pot of chili and they are delicious. I will be repeating this process again before the end of September.

  3. I had an over abundance of grape tomatoes from my garden. I basically did the same thing except my husband put them on his smoker grill for 3 hours. They are amazing, I froze them and now use them in soups and on pizza. They are so yummy and add just a hint of smokiness to the food.

  4. Made for dinner and added in some pesto, it was absolutely delicious and the entire house smelled amazing!!! Will be going to purchase more Roma tomatoes and make another batch this week. Thanks for the recipe Mairlyn you are the best!!!!

  5. This sounds like the perfect solution to the abundance of garden tomatoes that I have. Two questions:
    1. I have orange tomatoes as well as Roma, can I use the orange as well?
    2. Could I can the chopped tomatoes instead of freezing?

    Thank you.

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